Category Archives: The Constitution

Guns on Campus

On April 16th, 2007 a gunman went on a rampage at the Virginia Tech campus is Blacksburg, VA killing 32 and wounding many more before killing himself.  But if students and teachers had the ability to carry weapons at school, many of these deaths may have been avoided.  There is a group called Students for Concealed Carry on Campus of which I am a member that is fighting for just this.  No we do not think that every student should have a gun on campus.  We only want students and instructors that are otherwise allowed to carry a concealed weapon be allowed to do so on campus.  The website can be found here.  Hopefully when the Supreme Court rules on the meaning of the second amendment, which sounds like they will agree that it protects the individuals right to keep and bear arms, our movement will takeoff like a rocket and we will be allowed to defend ourselves if attack by a gunman at school. There was a recent attack in Israel at a school and the person who stopped the gunman was a citizen who had a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If this person had not been carrying his weapon, many more could have died.

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Card Carrying Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Johnny

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