Tag Archives: conservative

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

A Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope that the new year will be a pleasant and fruitful one.  This will in all probability me my last post of this year.  I am traveling to see family the first of next week and have to work extra the latter half.  But starting with January 1st, you can expect to hear lots more from me.  I will be posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, guaranteed.  On those days, I will usually post between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm because I am done with classes at 12:30 pm and have to be at work at 3:00 pm.  I will try to post on some Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I have late classes those days and will probably wake up late.  The only time that I will post on the weekends is if something substantial happens.  I will try to cross post at least my Monday post.  I also will start a separate blog where I only post news about the global warming hoax, entitles “A Convenient Lie”.   I will have a link to it from my main page. If any of you have experience editing/producing movies on the PC let me know. I would like to do a short documentary about the 9/11 conspiracy theories entitled “Loose Brains”.

Keep it real
Keep it conservative

RW Johnny

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Filed under My Views

The True Number of Uninsured American

The left is always throwing around the figure that there are “47 uninsured American”.  This is a lie, but who is surprised considering the source.  Using the figures that they are using, it is clear that the number is alot lower.  Here is the math:

47,000,000 “Uninsured Americans”
– 9,487,000 non citizens
37,513,000 uninsured citizens
– 8,300,000 make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year
– 8,740,000 make more than $75,000 a year.
20,473,000 uninsured citizens making less that $50,000 a year
– 9,212,850 45 percent of uninsured people will be uninsured for less than four months
11,260,150 only 3.75% of the population of the US, not the near 16% according to the left

I personally have no problem paying for the healthcare of children, the elderly, and the disabled, but when I encounter people my age who are perfectly able to work and dont be cause that think that everything should be handed to the, it ticks me off!

I think that once a person turn 19, they should be kicked off of Medicade. The hard working people in this country need to stand up and take a stand. I am sure that most people are tired of their hard earned money going to a bunch of leaches.

I will end with a Reagan quote which will become a regulatiy,

“Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence. ”
Interview, Los Angeles Times (1970-01-07)

Keep it real
Keep it conservative

RW Johnnny

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Filed under My Views

The Wussification Continues

Can you believe this crap. “Panto stars banned from throwing sweets into the audience in case children get hit on the head” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=500034&in_page_id=1770

Before too long, we will have to ask if we can breath to make sure that it does not offend anyone.  This is another reason that we need to make sure that a democrat/socialist is not elected president this time around.  All three of the major dumbacrat candidates want socialised medicine.

 Hillary want to give each newborn  $5,000.  The birthrate is somewhere around 4 million each year, which puts the cost per year at $20,000,000,000.  That is NUTS!  Some people call her a closet socialist but anyone can look at what she says and know that she is a socialist.

Keep it real
Keep it conservative

RW Johnnny

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Filed under Presidental Canidates

No True Conservatives

It is sad that we have no true conservatives running for the president.  John McCain is in favor of campaign finance control.  Mike Huckabee was in favor of raising taxes and giving scholarships to illegal immigrants as governor of Arkansas.  Rudy “the RINO” Giuliani ran a sanctuary city.  Ron Paul is in favor of immediately pulling out of Iraq which would be a big mistake.  Mitt Romney is a flip-flopper on abortion.  What we need is a candidate that will not raise taxes, will seal off the border, support the troops, and show the rest of the world that the United States will not cut and run when things start to turn bad.  One thing that we need is a candidate that has a real chance of being elected that is in favor of the Fair Tax.  I know that Huckabee said in the recent debacle that the Clinton News Network hosted that he was in favor of the Fair Tax but I am still not sure that he has a chance.  I personally am supporting Fred Thompson but I do not think that he has the charisma to be elected.  I just hope that the candidate that the Republicans nominate can beat the Clinton-Obama/Edwards ticket (I honestly think that the Hildabeast will get the nomination and then the fight will be between Barrack “Not the Hussein” Obama and the Bret Girl).  With the way that the polls have been shifting, I think that we have a serious chance of defeating either ticket as long as we can get the rest of America to see Hillary for what she is.  She is a socialist who would turn this country into a wasteland.  The condition of the country during the Great Depression would look like good times compared to the aftermath of another Clinton presidency.  She wants to institute socialized medicine (her supporters are always calling it “universal healthcare”, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck) which would create one on the worst healthcare systems in the world.  Other countries that have socialized medicine have citizens that come to the US almost daily to receive medical treatment.  She would also take the profits from companies and use them for the good of the people.  This is straight from Karl Marx who said “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”  I am afraid that if she is put into office, the USA as we know it will cease to exist. 


I also want to encourage everyone to visit anysoilder.org and pick a few members of the military that are serving abroad and at least write to them even if you are unable to send packages, they like to receive letters to show them that not everyone here thinks that they are uneducated idiots.


Keep it real

Keep it conservative


Right Wing Johnny

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Filed under Presidental Canidates