Tag Archives: death penalty

The Death Penalty

I may be the only person here that is in favor of the death penalty.  I believe that if you go out and intentionally take someone’s life, you should lose yours.  There is a “man”(and I use that word loosely) claiming that the court appointed executioner is not qualified to kill him.  What a joke.  He claims that the 3 drug cocktail that is used may cause him pain.  Cry me a river!  I am sure that the cop he killed felt pain.  He claims that the potassium chloride, the third drug issued which causes cardiac arrest, could cause excruciating pain if the first two drugs are not administered correctly, leaving him paralyzed and unable to express his pain.  I think that they should put a noose around his neck and make him stand on a chair, then put some termites on the base of the chair so that he has to suffer.   Either that or just give him a big dose of the potassium chloride and watch him squirm.

Keep it real
Keep it conservative

Right Wing Johnny

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